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專業生產,銷售 太陽能鋰電池,太陽能光伏板,太陽能路燈、LED路燈、景觀燈、亮化照明等設備
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走進賽威 about us

中山市賽威新能源科技有限公司成立自2010年以來,創立了自主品牌賽威太陽能鋰電池,商標賽威光華路燈系列,現已成功開發生產和銷售各種各樣的新能源產品,物聯網智慧路燈,新型石墨烯鋰電池。是一家擁有核心設計研發技術和高產能生產能力的景觀藝術照明企業,集各項設計、照明資質,生產、銷售為一體的城市亮化燈具企業,公司主要產品有:太陽能路燈,太陽能鋰電池,石墨烯太陽能電池,LED路燈,中華燈,高桿燈,球場燈,景觀燈,庭院燈,喜慶燈籠,壓鑄燈,草坪燈,水底燈,藝術燈,等上萬種產品,道路交通照明設備,作為國內的景觀亮化深度定制生產商,憑借持續的自主創新能力、整體戶外亮化開發設計能力和成本控制能力,及合理的業務定位于優質客戶資源,立志打造成為國內戶外亮化供貨商,我們秉承“純粹做人,專業做事”服務的經營信念,為廣大客戶提供節能,新款,物有所值的優質照明產品,提供戶外亮化的工程配套,提供完善的顧客服務的技術支援,能全方位滿足市政單位,設計院,園林綠化景觀照明,新農村建設,房地產,承包商,經銷商的需求,將藝術、燈光、環境、文化以及結構設計完美結合,以優系的品質和豐富的產品為城市和建筑空間創造舒適的,充滿創意和節能環保的照明環境。我們一直奉行“質量為生命,信譽為根本,服務為”的經營宗旨, 展望未來將一如既往、堅持以誠信經營、平等互利為原則,以更好的服務、更好的品質、更新的產品,與新老客戶攜手合作、開創美好的未來。

Since its establishment in 2010, Zhongshan Siwei New Energy Technology Lithium Co., Ltd. has established its own brand, Siwei Solar Lithium Battery, and trademark Siwei Guanghua Street Light Series. It has successfully developed and produced and sold a variety of fashion and practical new energy products., Internet of Things smart street lights, new graphene lithium batteries. It is a landscape art lighting company with core structural design and R&D technology and high production capacity. It integrates various design and lighting qualifications, production and sales as one of the regional lighting companies. The company's main products are: solar street lights, solar lithium batteries, graphene solar cells, LED street lights, Chinese lights, high pole lights, stadium lights, landscape lights, courtyard lights, festive lanterns, cast lamps, lawn lights, underwater lights, art lights, and other tens of thousands of products, road traffic lighting equipment, as the leading domestic landscape compact lighting depth customized manufacturers, With continuous independent innovation ability, excellent outdoor overall development and design ability, excellent cost control ability and reasonable business positioning in high-quality customer resources, the company currently has an excellent elite design team, complete equipment set, product series diversification, Determined to become the strongest outdoor lighting supplier in China, we uphold the "pure man, professional work" service business belief, provide customers with energy-saving, new, valuable high-quality lighting products, provide indoor and outdoor engineering support, Provide complete customer service technical support, can fully meet the needs of municipal units, design institutes, landscape lighting, new rural construction, real estate, contractors, dealers, wholeheartedly to meet customers 'installation needs on different sites, Perfect combination of art, lighting, environment, culture and structural design, with superior quality and ric

企業文化理念: 質量求生存  科技求發展  服務贏市場



服務熱線 : 0760-8983007315219496862
傳真 : 0760-87551769
技術支持:微快信    粵ICP備18114369號
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